查询(输出查询结果), 修改SQL Server数据库数据
ADO.NET - C#查询/修改SQL
1 References
and Modifying Data in ADO.NET - Microsoft Docs
2 Select
2.1 Query
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SqlConnection Conn_Timesheet = new SqlConnection(connStr_Timesheet); Conn_Timesheet.Open(); SqlCommand cmd_readUser = new SqlCommand("select * from [dbo].[Users]" , Conn_Timesheet); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd_readUser); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds, "Users" ); Conn_Timesheet.Close();
Query Database and Fill the query result into a Dataset
instance ds
2.2 output query result
2.2.1 Console
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 int count = 0 ;foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0 ].Rows){ string UserName = row["UserName" ].ToString(); string PersonnelID = row["EmployeeID" ].ToString(); string NTaccount = row["DomainAccount" ].ToString(); string IsEnabled = row["IsLockedOut" ].ToString(); count++; Console.WriteLine("{0,-10}{1,-35}{2,-10}{3,-10}{4,10}" , count, UserName, PersonnelID, NTaccount, IsEnabled); }
Output query result stored in Dataset
2.2.2 XML
1 ds.WriteXml("Users.xml" );
Output Dataset
instance ds to
a XML-format file
3 Modify
3.1 Insert
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SqlConnection Conn_Timesheet = new SqlConnection(connStr_BIS); Conn_BIS.Open(); SqlCommand cmd_insertUser = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [BIS].[dbo].[SUser]" + "([UserName], [PersonnelID], [NTaccount], [FullName], [IsEnabled], [Password], [CreateDate])" + "VALUES('" + PersonnelID + "', '" + PersonnelID + "', '" + NTaccount + "', '" + UserName + "', " + IsEnabled + ", 'BA3253876AED6BC22D4A6FF53D8406C6AD864195ED144AB5C87621B6C233B548BAEAE6956DF346EC8C17F5EA10F35EE3CBC514797ED7DDD3145464E2A0BAB413', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "'" + ");" , Conn_BIS); cmd_insertUser.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn_BIS.Close();
Insert a record into table